- Only Non Marking Badminton Shoes are permitted to be worn while using the Courts.
- Road Running Shoes and Shoes with Black Soles are not permitted.
- All are requested to take note and abide by the rules. Please check with the KBA office or the Court In-charge for clarification regarding Badminton rules.
- Persons found violating the above rules will be asked to vacate the courts.

- Members Guests are allowed for a maximum of 4 times a month with a Member accompanying them.
- Dependent Members are not allowed to bring guests.
- Members and Dependents are requested to carry their Identity Cards and produce them when required.
- Smoking Strictly Prohibited inside the Billiards Room.
- Use of Cell Phones is prohibited inside the Billiards Room.
- Only formal attire are permitted.
- Children below 12 Years are not allowed.
- Members are requested to take care of their personal belongings. In case of loss or theft the Management will not be responsible.
- New Members opting to play Billiards, will be charged the applicable monthly fee for a minimum period of one month. If they do not wish to continue, they should submit a letter to the office to this effect and to be duly acknowledged.
- The Management reserves the right to alter the structure of monthly subscriptions from time to time.